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Juan Font has for several years been a popular meeting place for both locals and travelers. At our small wine bar you can slip in alone or in company and enjoy exciting wines and good food. We offer a wide and vibrant range of Spanish wines and most are available by the glass. Our menu consists of both smaller and larger dishes and they are easy to share.


Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Wine tasting at Juan Font

18 dec Ribera del duero (Completo)

15 jan Cava

29 jan Tempranillos bred

12 feb Mallorca

14 feb Intro to Spanien - Valentine special (495kr)

26 feb Alicante

12 mars Garnacha in different styles

26 mars Conca de Barbera

9 april Castilla Y León

23 april Galicien

7 maj Vermouth

21 maj Priorat

4 juni Txakolina

18 juni Montsant

It is possible to register alone or as a group. The maximum number of people is 20. The tasting takes about an hour. We try at least 4 different wines and light snacks are included.

Price SEK 395 / p.

Watch film from the tasting at Juan Font with Miquel Coca I Fitó.



When registering, state which tasting (s) it is and how many you will be.

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